Monday 20 June 2011

Day seventeen; Insight day & Best day ever?

Well, I woke up in a rather panicked way today - I threw myself out of bed and practically leaped toward my alarm. Then I done the usual thing by throwing myself back into bed for another hour. About 10 minutes in, I was starting to doze of when WHAM, a massive head-rush came my way. I sat up immediately and launched myself out of bed once more. Instead of waiting and trying to get rid of the pain, I start getting dressed; I'm a moron.

I was ready quite early, so I went downstairs and flicked the kettle on. Nothing interesting happened until Jack and Danny knocked on my door. Whilst walking to school, us three had quite an in-depth discussion about the Fallout games. Let's just say we're all big fans. Once at school, I went to form and had a laugh with the usual group.

Today was insight day, so instead of normal lessons we were doing other random crap. First off, we would be doing job interview practice and all boring stuff like that. T'was all rather drab until me and many others were called to the front of the hall. Whilst there, someone let off a quenching fart, which caused me and Danny to burst out into absolute laughter. We looked like absolute twats; two guys trying to compose themselves whilst everyone else is mature and quiet. Ah well, t'was a laugh.

After that we had sex and relationships. Me and Dan sat next to each other throughout all of the lessons...which didn't turn out to be a good idea; we spent the entire lesson insulting and hitting each other. As the lesson ended, he threw me over the table into a girl, so I chased him out of the class and through the corridor until I thwacked him right round the back of his head.

Afternoon registration was hilarious; Ben called one of the boys many names which I shall not mention....which Miss actually agreed to! No telling him off, she just went 'yeahh' in agreement. Then for the next 10 minutes we would be lobbing balls of paper at each other, only for Miss to join in slightly. This was the best day of form ever.

When I left school, I had the pleasure of Joe walking home with me most of the way. Let's just say he isn't the most charismatic of people. I got home and 30 minutes later Joe and Beth are at my door. I invite them in and stick on The Hangover. Very little focus was on the movie; most of the time my focus was on hugging Bethanie...whilst Joe's focus was on annoying us two. The movie ended, Joe left and me and Beth had a right laugh. An hour or so later and I walk her home (with my dog). On the way we saw Danny and Hogan, who tried to assault me. Got to Beth's, hug, "BYEEEEEEEEEEE", walk away. I then saw Dan and Hogan stalking these two girls on the way home too. Creepy boys.

Once home, dinner was eaten, computer was on and then let the Internet commence....after restarting the computer 3 times. Then I talked to Beth for the rest of the night until finally remembering 'Oh, blog!', so I came here. This has been a great day and I am hoping for something similar tomorrow.

This has been day seventeen and I am extremely happy. Love you all!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Day sixteen; Happy Father's Day

I awoke at about 9 today, but because I am a lazy sod I slept in for another hour before getting out of bed. Once I was actually up and awake, I don't remember much but I do recall telling my mum to make me a bacon sandwich. I munched that then I got dressed in a soft checkered hoodie.

An hour or two later and my dad was at the door. I welcomed him in and wished him happy fathers day. We went out to Lakeside for abit to return some clothes, get some food and generally just walk about, which killed about 4 hours. When I got home, not very much happened with the exception of me taking my dogs for a quick walk and then my mum leaving to go to the hospital.

I spent the next few hours home alone, playing a game called Project Zomboid. It's an excellent indie game, I'd recommend trying it. Then I tried to get Hamachi working on my computer...I failed. It sucks. Then I had to restart my computer about 3 times and then my mum is home. That was a fun few hours *sigh*.

Since then, I have been watching The Apprentice on the BBC iPlayer on my iPad. I finished that, went downstairs and ate some chicken and now I am preparing to go to sleep; gotta get up early tomorrow. Damn school.

This has been day sixteen and happy father's day!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Day fifteen; Very, VERY little

This is going to be a very short post.

I awoke at 10. Done nothing for an hour except drink tea. Got dressed and went to TKMaxx with my mum. I bought tonnes of lovely clothes. When I got home, I tried them all out. After that, I went to the hospital to see my nan, t'was some depressing stuff. Once I was home again I spoke to Bethanie. I ate hotdogs and had a complete munch out while researching an Indie game called Project Zomboid. Today has been a lot of wasted time.

This has been day fifteen and I am bored.

Friday 17 June 2011

Day fourteen; Locked out & Physics exam over with

This morning I woke up quite early; I was actually out of bed an hour earlier than usual! Oh wow. [Fast forward] Once at school, I headed to form, went to push the door and walked straight into it (hitting my head in the process). I got up, tried pushing again. It was locked. I waited outside until out tutor showed up. She unlocked the door, I went in and threw my PE bag into my locker. Not much happened really. 

Once out of form, I headed to the ICT room for science revision. That was some funny lesson, but I shouldn't go into details or you'll all hate me. Then we had first break - nothing new. Then we had yet more science revision. That was some stressful crap. Then we had a very short second break before heading to the exam hall. Let's just say the pressure was rather massive.

I was sat down in my designated seat at 12:50. 5 minutes later we were issued with our papers and were told to start. We had 45 minutes and I found it extremely easy! Then we had an ISA, which was also rather easy. After it all, I was just about falling asleep. Not much happened. Same crap with form; it was locked. I punched Sam in his balls; he keeps saying stuff about this girl. 

After that, went home, got changed and went out in the rain.Wasn't a brilliant time out...although I did get told that I dress and smell really nice. So I was happy about that. Then nothing special from there on in.

This has been say fourteen and I AM FREE OF EXAMS!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Day thirteen; Slaps, smacks and thwacks.

Yet again I woke up like any other day. I honestly don't think the first hour of today requires much explanation. When I arrived at school, I entered form and immediately received a slap round the back of the head. I turned around and saw Ben grinning at me. I pretended not to care and sat down. 2 minutes later, miss called me up to show her my School Log. I relished the opportunity and grabbed the log and gave a cracking whip on the back of Ben's head. This started something.

Once I had my log looked at, I sat back down and the other Ben slapped me. Then Ben slapped Ben and I slapped one Ben then the other then they both hit me at the same time then I watched as they both killed each other and got out a really thick book and pummelled both Bens with it but then Sam has to act all hard so he jumps in and full pelt punches me in the back of my head so I turned around and jump at his table and hit him several times on the head until he is whining but then the Bens turn their attention toward me and both keep hitting me then Sam hits Ben then Luke hits other Ben and then Miss looks at us and laughs but tells us to stop. We stopped. *Breathes very heavily* Did you read all that without stopping? Good; that demonstrates how frantic the fighting was. But as we stopped, I couldn't help but getting Sam one more time. Once everyone had calmed, I approached Sam and *makes smacking noise*.

Upon leaving from, we had English. This was rather funny for once; Alma wouldn't stop laughing nomatter what. Every slightly comical comment I made resulted in her dying of laughter, which led to me laughing which then also led to Jess laughing. Yeah, we're mad like that. During the last few minutes of the lesson, we watched the end of a BBC remake of Macbeth. It was pretty awesome.

First break wasn't all that special, well, except for delivering munchies to Bethanie. Then it was time for science...this was a drag. Wouldn't really like to talk about that dramatic waste of time. Then came second break, which resulted in Bethanie giving me munchies! Specifically, strawberry string thingys. I also got a volley of hugs, as usual. Then came Religious Studies. This lesson was a fabulous ending to the day; we discussed government policies and I now know the differences between left & right wing political parties. You may think 'Oh dear, that isn't exciting at all' but I find it all quite interesting and he managed to make the lesson extremely fun as always. Much love to you, sir!

Then came form...this was going to be fun. It resulted in more slaps and I chased Sam out of the class. I got shouted at, but meh. Today I had to stay behind afterschool because I needed to complete Food coursework and I was waiting for Bethanie to leave detention. Once she was out, she met me at the library and I finished off. After getting to the school gate she split of with another friend [sad face]. I went home, got changed and went out with Joe and met Bethanie 10 minutes later.

We played around for a bit, then we went to the shops and I treated everyone. We had our little munch out and then headed back to my house. When there, Joe sat on my iPad and we and Beth had a laugh, attacked each other and were on my computer. T'was fun. We left my house, Joe went his way and I walked Beth home. We had a right laugh, eventually I said bye, hugged and then left. I got home, had dinner and once again sat on my computer. Not much from that point onwards really.

This has been day thirteen, my head hurts.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Day twelve; A pretty great day & One exam over

Not much to report concerning the morning. Same old really; freaking out, sleeping again, going to school etc etc. Today was the day for my science chemistry exam, which I wasn't looking forward to. Once all my equipment was prepared, I waited to be called in. Unfortunately this room was extremely hot and I found it hard to breathe, so I left the room and stood outside for a bit. 5 minutes later some friends were shouting for me to get in there, so I did. We got called in and we took our designated seats. For the next 45 minutes I would be stressing myself harder than ever....or would I?

In the end it turned out to be a blast; very few questions were challenging, the only thing that confused me is the fact that my finger started randomly bleeding. Once out of the exam hall, I was practically cheering on the inside. It was a breeze and I cannot wait to receive my grade. We had to head straight to our maths lesson, which didn't go down too well with us. We mostly chilled all lesson. You wouldn't seriously expect us to do work, right?

Break turned out to be the usual stuff. Then we had food. This lesson we was supposed to be completing a unit of coursework...nobody did, but I came quite close. It was a depressing lesson though, mainly due to the fact that the two people that I had the pleasure of sitting next to wouldn't stop insulting each other about their weight issues...but I gotta admit it was fun at times.

Then second break came, which wasn't the most pleasant. We were sitting outside and had got harassed by this group of idiot boys. Basically, they kept saying to me 'Reiss, you gonna bang Beth?'....eventually, I replied with 'Shut the f*** up Jimmie, I banged your mum in your corner shop yesterday!' and everyone just died of laughter. I personally didn't see the funny side of it, but it made them shut up.

Then came Geography. [Boring memory here]. After that, had registration and made my way home. On my way, I got harassed by Danny and he full pelt thwacked my butt. T'was very painful, especially seeing as it made me flinch and head butt his bag too, which had boots in. Once home, I started getting dressed. Mid-way thru, I had this random guy knock on my door and give me hell loads of alcohol. I don't know.

Later, Joe and I went out. We met up with Jordan and Michael and eventually Bethanie and then even later, Hayley. I cannot be bothered to go into details tonight, I will try and make a 'part 2' version of this one for the details. But let's just say we had great fun. Eventually it was down to just me, Beth and Jordan. I walked Bethanie home and waited outside hers for about 20 minutes for her to eat her dinner. I walked her to youth club, dropped her off then then headed home. On the way home, I was victim of an attempted ankle and was threatened to be mugged.

Once home: Dinner, talked to the lovely girls and began writing this.

This has been day twelve, may you all have a pleasant evening.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day eleven; Laughs, Revision & Nothing special

Today I awoke in the normal frantic way by throwing myself out of bed, trying to find my phone, trying to turn off my alarm then throwing myself back into bed for an hour. Not anything special this time. When at school, registration was quite funny; we had a different teacher there as our form tutor was presenting something in an assembly. Yet again, nothing special.

For first lesson we had English. We was studying Macbeth. It wasn't anything special. Then we had first break. Nothing special happened there except for doing a drink-run for people with Bethanie. Then we had Food, which was the usual drag; we had to complete coursework. Oh well, it was fun because I was sat in-between Jordan and Joe who always insult each other. Once that was over, we had geography and had to complete a piece of coursework within one lesson, which seemed challenging at first, but turned out to be rather easy.

Then second break came, there wasn't anything special that happened except me having an argument with the head teacher about where I sit and what is classed as a 'lunch'. This made me extremely infuriated....extremely. *Grr...* Then we had to do science revision which is always a pleasure. Don't you love it when you have a teacher who yells for no apparent reason? Yeah, we have him. I will admit he is a great teacher though.

Nothing much happened from this point onward until I got to the library, where I got told off for being loud even though it was the person next to me shouting. At this point I was fuming, so I logged off, slammed my chair and walked away. I was severely pissed, although I did calm down once I was home thanks to Joe. We went on the computer for a bit and then decided to go out. Once we were out, we had some epic basketball fun (I'll try and upload my epic backwards throw that scored later). Later on, Bethanie came to join us. We had a great laugh!

Joe went in and then Hayley came out with her dog. The little sod stole my packet of marshmallows from me. Yet again, more laughs were to be had. After Beth went (she insisted that I didn't walk her home), I walked Hayley home then headed homebound myself. Once in, I pulled my dinner out of the oven and burnt my hand severely. I then munched. Unfortunately I received a call part-way through, I told then I was eating and hung up.

Nothing special has been happening since then, with the exception to hard-core revision and my mum finding out my 'love life'. Well, when I say she found out...I told her. She just smiled and said 'I knew it all along!'.
I just said 'Yeah, sure you did.'. Now here I am, I had better get to bed now because of tomorrow's exam, so goodnight guys.

This has been nothing special. Thank you for reading.